Visual Content

Visual Content

Videos and pictures are now omnipresent in search engine results and, thanks to cross-over platforms such as Youtube and Pinterest, they also have become powerful social tools that can help you attract highly targeted traffic and leads. If you are serious about being successful online, you should definitely start using both videos and images as part of your marketing plan.

Video and Image Marketing Tips

The great news is that everybody with a smartphone can now take decent pictures and shoot quality videos on their own, without having to hire professionals. You can even buy a small tripod and zoom lens for your iphone if you want to get fancy.

While I’m not gonna get into details about how to shoot a video or take pictures – you will find plenty of good visual guides online – here are a few tips to help you with your marketing.

Videos: the goal is to provide information – yes it should offer interesting content not be just a piece of advertising or infomercial – with a call to action at the end promoting your products or services.  Here is a powerful structure for your video: start with a problem your potential customers might have, then give some solutions and close with the features and benefits you have to offer. As for the format, it’s up to you: if you are comfortable with being on camera, go for it. Otherwise you can do something as easy as a sideshow or even use animated characters. Once you your video is ready upload both to your site and to Youtube & co.

Images: This is where having great pictures of your products come handy. Up load them to sites such as Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr and co which will bring you traffic and backlinks. Also, what you can also is create infographics, which will offer information while being eye-candy – this is even more useful if your company offers services or products that are not photogenic.

Need Help Turning Videos and Images into Traffic and Leads?

We know the latest strategies that can help your videos and images rank better, bring you targeted traffic that will turn into leads and sales.

Click the button below to learn more:

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